  • 来源:当代先锋网     时间:2023-04-12 06:01:10
  • 爽爽贵阳,中国数谷。



    来自德国的洋灵慧(Alina Kurowski)最近探访了华为云贵安数据中心。占地1521亩,这个巨大数据中心的绿色低碳运行实践让她深感震撼。作为全球最大的数据中心集聚区,贵安新区已形成以建设“中国南方数据中心示范基地”为核心的巨大“品牌磁场”。




    Guiyang, capital of Southwest China"s Guizhou province, is accelerating the development of a national computing power and algorithm supporting base with participation of leading information technology companies, and aiming to help drive the digital economy of the country.

    The Guian data center cluster here now has seven super-large data centers for three telecom giants – China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom – and tech giants Apple, Tencent and Huawei.

    Internet bandwidth out of the province reached 38,000 Gbps, linking directly to 32 cities on the internet, data from local authorities showed. By 2025, the cluster will have 4 million servers.

    In this video, Alina Kurowski from Germany takes on a tour of Guiyang, where she visited the Huawei Cloud Guian Data Center, which is the largest data center of Huawei Cloud and also a green and low carbon data center.

    Alina also explored Chemi, a company dedicated to smart transportation, and a smart parking lot that makes parking more convenient in old neighborhoods and commercial areas.

    She ended her tour at an outdoor smart gym in Guanshanhu Park, where she experienced modern technologies such as cloud computing, 5G, and the internet of things that are used to record data and provide advice to users.

    Click the video to find more about Alina’s tour of Guiyang.

    来源 中国日报

    编辑 张良胜

    二审 吴一凡

    三审 刘丹



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